
[14] Song

In the last lesson, we discussed how speech is imbued with a spirit, and our task as language learners is to tap into and channel that spirit. The act of channeling a spirit can seem strange, but most of us do it all the time in the context of music. When our favorite songs come one, we all of a sudden find ourselves dancing and mimicking the personality and emotions of the singers. As it turns out, music is even more deeply rooted in our minds and body than speech is. In fact, many scientists believe that human beings learned to sing and dance long before we learned how to speak. We can certainly observe this in children. You’ve probably seen a pre-verbal child dancing on the beat and singing in tune before. We adults can replicate the same sequence by learning how to sing a repertoire of songs in our target language before we can speak it fluently. Doing so can have a profound influence on our capacity to speak, understand and mimic, as I explain in the video below.
After you finish watching the video, share your insights to #completions for credit. Then move on to the next lesson
[15] Entrainment