
[13] Spirit

At this point of the program, you have learned all the component parts of speech, as well as techniques for linking them together piece-meal. For this final week, you will finally practice mimicking speech as a whole. When we switching from parts to whole, we aren’t just dealing with more quantity, we’re also dealing with a meaningful change in quality. The whole is not merely the sum of its parts - there is something more. We can think of that something more as the “Spirit” of the language, as its embodied within the collective of people who speak it. Our task as language-learners isn’t to memorize random sequences of sounds and their dictionary definitions. Our task is to channel and embody the spirit of the language. The more we can embody the spirit, the better we will be able to connect and communicate with the other embodiments of that spirit, i.e. “native speakers”. In the video below, I elaborate on these concepts and discuss it’s practical implications for us as we move forward in our learning journey.
After you’ve watched the video, share your insights to the #completions channel and then move on to the next lesosn.
[14] Song