
[18D] All Italian Consonants by Place

This page goes over all the consonants in Italian, providing word lists and articulation videos for each. The phonemes are organized by their place of articulation, starting from the front of the speech organ (lips), moving step by step to the back (larynx). By considering the phonemes in this way, you will be able to more intuitively organize them in your mind. And by going through each word list, you will start to pick up on the phoneme patterns more intuitively in real speech. After you’ve made your way through all the consonants, mimicking the audios, then post a reflection of your experience in #completions.

1 Lower Lip <> Upper Lip (Bilabial)


2 Lower Lip <> Upper Teeth (Labiodental)


4 Tongue 1 <> Roof A (Alveolar)


5 Tongue 2 <> Roof A (Denti-Alveolar)


6 Tongue 2 <> Roof B (Laminal)


7 Tongue 3 <> Roof C (Post-Alveolar)


8 Tongue 4 <> Roof E (Palatal)


9 Tongue 5 <> Roof H (Velar)


10 L Vocal Fold <> R Vocal Fold (Glottal)